Dealing with troublemakers in large crowds without tear gas that cause collateral damage

«Lundi, par exemple, certains individus ont jeté des bouteilles vers les policiers, ou ont allumé des feux d’artifice.»
Reference/Trigger: L’utilisation d’irritants chimiques par le SPVM après les victoires du CH critiquée

Reading this, combined with the heavy rain that just took place, gives me the idea that cops should wear a body armor during these events, especially cops on bikes.

When they identify someone causing trouble, they can gang up and restrain those specific people and significantly reduce collateral damage caused by tear gas.

Would this increase police brutality? Possibly. Frankly, I find this to be a context in which a cop punching someone in the face is warranted, especially with so many people witnessing the people causing trouble and screwing up the celebration.

On a different topic, notice how I am suggesting a solution to a problem without complaining and criticizing. In a very real way, this is my job. Finding solutions is all I do all day at work.