Canada and the USA Trade Deficits and Surplus
Let your weight be your weight
The absurdity of the USA's invasion of Denmark
Conservatives want more cities to burn
A criminal organization is forming itself as the new government of the USA
Mirror life
Ça fait du bien de rire comme ça
Grace Blakeley on what's wrong with capitalism
Le changement d'heure me fait penser au climat et aux enjeux sociaux
Unexpected enjoyment of meeting new people
An example of a UX dark pattern used by Surfshark
Watching Clueless (1995) for the first time in 2023
Canada wildfires caused by humans over centuries reach NYC
Getting sentimental about the best car of my life
Cancel culture, woke; new paint, old crap
Kaleidoscope, Just like Giancalo Esposito’s suggestion, you should watch the white episode last
Self-care lacks empathy in its current form, because it ignores everybody else
Artificial intelligence can have biases
Artificial intelligence helps with writing
12 weeks living in a car and some thoughts about community and individualism
Vanlife 2022 Week 1: Une première semaine magnifique suivi d'un weekend pénible!
Vanlife 2022 Day 1
Jurassic Park (1993) and feminism
Freaking out about car camping for the next few months
I didn't want to watch Don't Look Up, because I know reality
The Morning Show Season 2 is a mess and I love it, because life is all over the place
Missing messaging elements in self-care and “do you”
A sequel to The Social Dilemma documentary?
Dealing with troublemakers in large crowds without tear gas that cause collateral damage
Traffic isn't caused by anything other than those who are in it
Mortal Kombat 2021, quick review
Getting a new phone under 500$
Cars honking at bikes
Health over politics
Thinking about my life thus far
Save time by opening new tabs next to the active one (extension for Chrome)
Triple fracture caused by loss of balance and my electric unicycle smashing my leg
Going out alone
District 31 et Black Lives Matter
Tibia/Fibula frature • Progress on week 9 day 2
Online education
Éducation en ligne
Looking for ways to volunteer for research on mental health issues
Pay it forward
Uber Eats takes 30% of restaurants’s cut
“Trump will win”
Tous les partis supportent les mesures sanitaires
White Fragility
Les conspirationnistes me font peur
Rowan Atkinson on cancel culture and the division of society
COVID-19 Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (4 janvier 2021)
Vie normale au Québec en 2021?
Hitting an asteroid in 2021
Cobra Kai Season 3
An unexpected NYE
The end of Flash
Year in review 2020: pandemic, electric unicycles, fractured leg and websites
Une roue pour les gouverner toutes
Set yourself unreachable goals
Porte attention à ce que tu as déjà
Theme of the year
Testing Google’s Recorder
Tai chi and beef
Respect + Happiness is contagious
If you want to live longer, work more
Kill your TODO list and put everything in your calendar
Major drawback of Samsung Galaxy S10 and Samsung Galaxy Fold - not pure Android
Snow off sidewalks first; off streets later
YouTube thumbnail sizes and URL to get them
Wishing everyone a merry holiday!
Chaos in the streets
Which computer? Mac vs Windows, I don’t care anymore
Subscription to on-demand transportation
Calling out sexual harassment
Drink less when things go wrong
Amazing life - 2018, my year of amazement
Do you sleep well?
It’s a good idea to have your own website
All in, without hesitation and without reluctance
School is about grades
Teaching teamwork
“I’m still at war.”
Nothing is too small
Opening hours of social media
Keep your website from being framed
The basic principle of contracts
Rebekka’s website, the design (2 of 2)
Rebekka’s website, the beginnings (1 of 2)