Opening hours of social media

Last week, news came out that a man spent $1000 on Twitter’s ad platform to complain about British Airways. It got the attention of the media and about 77000 travelers.
What really caught my attention in the article was a response from British Airways: “Sorry for the delay in responding, our twitter feed is open 09:00-17:00 GMT.” That line is completely ridiculous. The web doesn’t turn off. Social media does not close. You can go to sleep, but the web will continue to change with new tweets, new Facebook statuses and new Instagram pictures. Websites all over the world keep getting updated every second.
It’s surprising that a company such as British Airways doesn’t spend more resources on social media. History has shown that everything written by anybody online can be extremely damaging. The latest example is Monsanto.
If you’re interested in knowing, my opening hours are 24/7. It’s 2013 and whether you’re a freelancer, a small company or a big corporation, you can not ignore the effects of social media.