Rebekka’s website, the beginnings (1 of 2)

Towards the end of August, I had the opportunity and tremendous honor to design the photo portfolio of one of the most popular and most acclaimed people on flickr: Rebbeka Guðleifsdóttir.
The first time I came accross her photos on flickr, over a year ago, I could already see the hint of a talented photographer. I asked if she was a photographer and the answer I received was: “no.. not yet… i plan on becoming one .. for now im just an amateur”. That was in June 2005. I offered to create her website and she said it was a good thing to have. And that was the last thing I heard from her until…
I decided to contact her again, over a year later, in August 2006. Why a year later? Because Rebekka has actually become a talented photographer and after June 2005, I got very busy with school and I was handling a few design jobs and giving tutoring lessons. So I sent Rebekka exactly the same offer again. She answered a few days later mentioning that she liked what I did for someone else. These words usually make every freelancer smile: “yeah, i gratefully accept your offer:)” The game was on.
I am realizing that I have written way more about what went on before starting the website than I intended. I guess I just want to keep a record of this little episode for myself.